I asked my bf to get me peanut oil and evaporated milk
I 20F sent my baby daddy 25M to jail last night and I feel guilty.
Do you get your paycheck weekly?
I ordered 12 tomatoes. I received 12 bunches of 6 tomatoes. I have 72 tomatoes and I leave the country for 2 weeks tomorrow...
Accidentally pregnant at 20
My husband died last month and I just found out our last round of IVF worked
When Americans lose their jobs, do they lose healthcare too?
I can't afford health insurance right now and I am about to run out of birth control. Is there a way for me to still get it?
Why do people back into parking spaces?
Oh my…
Marriott-Westin Abound- anything good about this?
You are one of the last 100 people alive in your country.
The idea of having children is repulsing to me
Car Seat for small 7 year old
Why is it racist to wear braids?
Trying this again.
Should I let my daughter shave her head?
Fine tuners
Non Irish-Americans, are you going to have corned beef/cabbage on Monday?
Am I overreacting? My husband has become obsessed w guns. He had 3 negligent discharges in our home. He shot himself twice and last night discharged another round in our hom. I want the guns out of the house. I don’t feel safe in my own home! He refuses.
You are given $1M if you can formulate a 10-word sentence that has never been spoken or written, if it has already been, you die and win nothing. Do you accept? What sentence are you creating?
Why aren’t there hotel rooms inside airports?
Ready to throw in the towel on breastfeeding just to prove myself!
People who only flush at the end when using the bathroom are disgusting
Piercings - Ages?