this is the saddest video ever
Chat do you ever just vibe...just...stare at the screen and enjoy the music and atmosphere in this game? Where?
my doctor just diagnosed me with blue piss while wearing this, should i be concerned?
"Haley was rude to me" yeah but did she do this?
Not only was "Uglies" probably written by AI, so were the reviews on Google.
It’s extremely obvious who was here in 2016 and who wasn’t.
Don't worry guys more job identity will be coming in 8.0
In Spider-Man 2 (2004), when Peter takes a bite of his hot dog, it's plain as day that there's no wiener in that bun by how easily it folds. That's because 1.) Tobey Maguire is vegetarian irl and 2.) Peter Parker is fucking broke.
Better not mess with me😈😈
Forward and back and then forward and back
Since that one guy made a PS tutorial for squishy skin it's everywhere
Alice Drip Marketing
Deep Fried Stupid
What we think of Y’sthola
Just kick them? MCH in glam gear because "it's just laziness"
First time making and uploading a video but I needed to share this QP moment of a Hanzo ignoring a Reaper walking past him
YPUT family...
Did I miss my chance to romance Astarion?
Hey raiders. This is why no one likes you.
Just Won a Small House and a Little Confused
Gladiator doesn't want to do job quests because they just want to be a Samurai
Since my Boyfriend spends most of his time on FFXIV I decided to get him a body pillow of his true waifu.
Friend of mine is wondering what glam this is
Hey, I know you are playing FFXIV right now but...
An alternative approach to YPYT, teamwork edition