Nikolai in 1808 vs 1815.
are there any unique Serbian regiments?
is blowing up a trolley permanent?
Coco ur changing
Christmas is on the 25th day of 25th month on the 25th century.
Roses are red, I'm not a collector,
Damn what’s with the “I _____ Fezezen.” posts.
1st rifle regiment
thank you all for 100 members!
ladies and gentleman,i officially became an old guard member
Austrian Jägers (+ Bonus Art ig.)
Vieille Garde
The children yearn for the mine.
joined this community today there is events or people that help you get old guard?
Is the air rifle worth it?
We mad max up in this bitch
Anyone got any idea what the face Id or it's composit?
Merry Christmas... now get out of my shop.
San Sebastian Conquistador Zombies
Extremely saturated contrasted low quality things I made with OC’s
New oc I made for fun
hes missing the wife