Can you guys recommend me or suggest any good series based on my favs and to fill the bingo in general?
Light’s intelligence decline
Aizen is a highly misunderstood antagonist.
Tried editing first time rate it
How to read manga on laptop?
Hisoka's taste is much better than every member of this sub.
Have you ever noticed Indian cultural references in anime? Which ones stood out to you?
If aizen did manage to win in the arrancar arc and created his own new world. His sense of morality and justice is...pretty interesting to say the least
Kuroroox W edit
Found this decade old list. I had all the time in the world back then.
The Real Ant King
And they say sl is better then aot 🤡, 14-15 yo old kiddo!! Aot is,was,will always a 🐐🐐
Why does the Code Geass Resurrection movie get so much hate?
What's y'all first reactions when first reading/watching this?
If god is nirguna nirakara, then how is it not nothingness?
Analyzing character designs: Byakuya and Rangiku
Its interesting to see how me, aizen and griffith are so similar to each other
Lelouch's waifus according to the official 2012 calendar
A feminist who loves Berserk
One of Kon's biggest feats in perfect blue is how he accurately portrayed criminals as degenerate asshole instead of alpha smiga male
Does anyone else feel the same way?
Solo leveling vs bleach edit in my opinion
Genuinely crazy how she is so less popular outside the berserk I always see shout for grimmer being the best side character but man...
What are your favourite sports anime?