CMV: Flying cars wouldn’t actually be that revolutionary.
Anyone notice just how much more chill Doctor Mike is now?
Let's sing _______! (you guys pick the song and the rest of the thread has to sing it) OWE
Fortune cookie messages you wouldn’t want to get. OWE
I’m starting a new political party in the USA called ________ OWE
I’m starting a new non-political party called ________. OWE
I guess platinum dasher isn’t as bad as everyone says it is
Second tip?
If my pet could talk for a day, the first thing they would say is _______. OWE
People who prefer chicken drums over chicken flats are ______________. OWE
What should I do tomorrow? OWE
I can’t believe it’s not ______________. OWE
No, but seriously, what happened to that Alabama fella? He just disappeared overnight. OWE
The Minnesota Vikings are quickly becoming one of the scariest teams because _________. OWE
Although it got cut from the final version, the first draft of the US Constitution protected the right to ________ OWE
Dude, I got so friggin’ high yesterday that I nearly ______________. OWE
Say “HELLO” to my little ______________! OWE
I’ve noticed this community has been ⬆️ voting questions more consistently. This pleases ______________. OWE
That’s not a KNOIFE… THIS is a ______________. OWE
I tell you what, I’ve seen more common sense on a ______. OWE
What happened to that Alabama fella? OWE
SAY "_______" AGAIN! I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker! Say "_______" one more goddamn time!
Scarily accurate fortune cookie messages. OWE