You have to 1v1 your favorite figure, how fked are you? I’ll go first.
My updated goku display
Looks like Broly also delivered my Fenrir box
Just got goku blue
BD Broly out!! Did anyone get him?
An attempt was made
Got the god goku air studio head sculpt
Head swapped teen Gohan with Ranma and I think I just made Goten
Bro’s smirk looks so evil though he def belongs in jail
Got Ranma Saotome!
Primal vs Divine
The balance you can achieve with DF martialist forever is insane
My Gohan collection
Goku poses
I told myself I was gonna be a Trunks only collector but it somehow led into getting multiple Gokus
More pan poses
Demoniacal fit GT goku head sculpt
Demoniacal fit ssj4 goku is fun to pose
Just got pan. She’s so tiny
“Why didnt goku use that form in super?”
Got a Gohan.
Kid Goku with daima goku head
My current SHfiguarts display stands
SDCC goku on super saiyan god body.
Gohan 🍚 is fun to pose