Translate a character name into another language and we will try to guess it, I will go first.
Lets say a couple with one animus dragon have 3 children, will all of those 3 children have animus if already one has it or is there a chance that only 2 or 1 gets animus ?[No heavy spoilers please]
was jerboas choice of wording intentional?
What is one moment you guys would just make not canon or just undo?
Which format do you prefer: Single point of view or Multiple points of view?
Describe a Wings of Fire charcter poorly
What if Pyrite knew she was Hailstorm?
Oh no the gardens have left the D.O.D! quick! Pick a replacement.
Pick a character for me to draw: the sequel! #5
Where is IT??
Ask me anything about arc 1 and edit the question to make me look insane.
Since some people seem to have missed the memo, I'm just going to post this reminder. Wings of Fire will be getting a tv show, Amazon prime announced they we're working on it a few months ago.
My biggest hope for arc 4...
How did you think Arc 1 was going to end?
Blue’s Wristband
How much do you want to bet that when the Wings of Fire show releases, There will be a ton of clowns online complaining that the series is "Too woke"?
Haven’t read the most recent two books or the end yet, i thought i left this series in my past, however
What's your favorite trope in a WoF OC?
Is it possible that there is a god like being in the Wings of Fire universe? (It could explain how Animus magic and prophecies work.)
Who would win? Wof or Httyd?
Your whirlpool’s lawyer, try to defend him…
What's the most bizarre complaint you've heard someone make about the series?
Hot Take: Darkstalker wasn't evil.
We know Snowfall has a crush on Lynx, but does Lynx like her back?