My reaction the moment I hear I have to do another gathering/crafting mode to unlock all the achievements in DR2:
Evolucionaron raro
The last game you played, besides Persona 5, will have a crossover, and the villain of that game will have their heart changed by the Phantom Thieves. What game is that?
Please observe the Meta Enjoyability scale, where -5 is unplayable, and 5 is peak Hearthstone. Where does the current meta sit?
What would you uncanon given the choice?
How would Yugo and Amalia have a child?
It do be like that
Wakfu is currently in the ‘Everyone’s Watching’ tab on Netflix 🔥
Tell you bleed?
Into the Emerald Dream Bundle Giveaway! Win 1 of 50 codes for 60 packs, 2 random legendaries, and Ysera card back!
Decided to rank each lady romance option
What are your thoughts on the Ragnarok Tournament Arc?
In your opinion, what is the most powerful build?
So, What are you all going to buy?
The meta is garbage
Bro got downvoted because he played the game lmao
My experience on DR2 Mean difficulty so far:
Opinions on Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc as a whole
Diplomatic victory? Never heard of it.
La experiencia de las carabelas
What's your favorite Familiar & why?
Question: How many of you actually have all three statues?
Fear Level 32 is ridiculous
Skull has already beem nerfed