Garuda, Baruuk, or Hildryn?
Assault Champion Skin Leak
Is New War still bugged??
Xaku prime build?
How should I mod my dog?
How “modded” should my railjack and voidrig be?
Am I missing out on content by not having the new war completed?
Are the servers fucked rn?
Lavos prime build
What Do I Do??
Upcoming seasons leaked
Who else goes back to Ruthless after completing all the lethal difficulty missions once?
Post lethal completion thoughts
Did they nerf Las Fusil??
Are we not getting the dark angels champion or cosmetic pack?
I’m done trying to make this game work
Aid me brothers!
Y’all are a bunch of cry baby wimps
Lethal completed the scarred held is mine! For the Emperor!
Lethal Difficulty
Tight Formation issue
This Subreddit is having a massive overreaction
The Patch Reaction Seems Very Overblown…
Lethal difficulty is just another reason not to play assault 😂