Found my dream boho dress for $138. With arm bands or without?
I 23M, on the verge of breakup with 20F. Need thoughts?
Is there any chance for boring guys?
My older sister is pregnant and I’m just sad
My gf of 3 years left me had sex with her coworker and now we’re trying to get back together .
I (18M) get mad at my girlfriend (18F) whenever she wants alcohol
Will I ever be loved for having small boobs
The last thing you ate will be his name.
Need female names for kitty- no regular shmegular names please! Something cutesy
Broke bf
Will I have to pay this back?
My (22F) boyfriend (23M) won’t take a vacation with me
I am sorry to all who supported me!
She Got Tipsy, Slept at My Place, and Got Close… Did I Miss a Signal?
Male kitten. I don’t like obvious names. We have a dog named Jett so I would love something that kind of goes with it. My boys like nerdy names. We can’t agree!
Constantly told I'm not clean and have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
Undesirable at 50?
I know I need help
Help i cant keep doing this im so insecure about this (hair)
Thoughts on tablescape? (Mock up)
after my mother pass away, I love this new pet what should i name her?
An argument with my gf
My bf (24 M) blew up at me (26F) because I keep bringing up the fact that he cheated on me. How do I move on and forgive myself for what I’ve put up with?
Realizing that my own family doesn’t like me
I can’t get married