Pit fighter Vi by fortiche artist Edourd Cellura
in a modern au, what would Vi's major be?
"ELEVE: Power in Style" by VelvetSin (@ VelvetSinArt )
Arcane Season 2 Caitlyn Groom by Thi Anna Nguyen
Small talk [@jinhagol70]
Beta Wanted :')
Vi & Caitlyn leyendecker study by 4a4k4a!
Vi’s Cupcake 🧁 Art by @artsbyana on insta.
Vi playing with her kids by uhhhjinn
“Morning, Cupcake” by @Sambles2
Well well well..
Write down a list of things that you want to see Vi and Caitlyn do in a future series
That trend where you call your partner your spouse [@jinhagol70]
for yr consideration
You really think I needed all the... WAIT A MINUTE
"And a biiiiiiiiig distraction" 😏
Vi’s Back, Neck, and Mouth @nnebbs
Who remembers these hilarious Arcane Doodleverse comics Lol (by AG_nonsuch on Webtoon - link in comment).
Who remembers these hilarious Arcane Doodleverse comics (by AG_nonsuch on Webtoon - link in comment). I recently rediscovered these again after a few years and they are still so funny.
Brace yourselves 🍼💦 (@steemyart)
“Shower time is the hardest for Vi” by @vinch_mi
Mirror selfie 😉 by @lostnflames
From Layoff Making P37K/Month to Making $7.3K/Month Online – My Career Shift
“Caitlyn back study” by @evanezco99
Vi has the most beautiful side profile I've seen
"Head canon comic that Cait does see Vi in her pit fighting era" by alariscy3 on X (extended ver.)