Keep slashing Elon
Ljudi, šta se dešava sa protestom???
Paravojna formacija na Zelenom vencu
Muzički intermeco
Baba Insajder
Why do Americans (especially conservative) distrust government ?
Video of ICE arrest captures agents dragging two noncitizens out of their vehicle in Indianapolis
Da li je okej otići lično u firmu i pitati ih za posao bez najave?
Bombs away buddy..
You scared yet, eh?
Devojke, da li ste za?
French Feminists protesting the rise of Fasism on International Women's Day with some fierce energy and body paint
Ukradeno sa fejsa
You might be a Democrat
Sigma boy je mala maca za ovo...
Remember guys: these are the people that are on a sex strike. 🫣
Vesele Vagine
Da li vam nedostaje ovaj covjek?
Ovo izjava je meni veoma strasna i zabrinjavajuca…
zašto niko ne želi da zna da je zemlja ravna ploča?
Jel ovo prevara?
Who would support this?