What is the purpose of these 2x4’s?
Lightweight depth finder?
How defensible and stable is this deck extension?
Does this qualify as a plastic hinge?
Backfill and Compaction
You may not like but this is the peak civil engineering body type
A sure sign of spring, the otters are migrating north.
The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Couch.
Guys I think I found the couch…
Why run when you can glide
Screw you dammit!|Top Comment Changes A State Name|Day 29| Today's state is New Hampshire
Carbon Monoxide in Cab??
US military bases around the world 🪖🌎
pussy tattoo
How busy are the boundary waters actually? - Seeking anecdotal evidence
Hunting Accident Statistics 2025: America’s Safest Hobby
I finally did it guys. After 26 years of bowling, (I'm 37) I got my first 300. Life has been tough, this really made me happy for myself!
Tractor for homestead of 20 acres
Grouting the hole in US
I laugh every time I pass this homemade billboard
Atheists in the USA, can we all just pick a state and agree to gather there?
All the old people posting this morning.
A set of three modified Hank chairs for my dining room table
Driving with cannabis from California to New Jersey
Are magpies and crows edible?
Are y’alls companies charging this much for geotech / environmental job < 100 ft spt?