Can people answer these quick 11 questions for a school project?
AIO because my sister called me a racist?
AITAH for not liking certain songs?
Friend keeps copying my work
AITAH for not letting my friend copy my assignment?
definitely straight
I’m having crisis with a “friend”. Help 😩
What are your honest thoughts on BBRAE?
Last month I made unpopular opinion not liking the owl, this month it's mini pig
Mythic was ELIMINATED! What is the WORST gumball egg? Day six! Vote for your FAVORITE egg, the last one standing will be the worst egg!
There’s no way she’s 5’10”
A “friend” took my stuff and is involved in a toxic situation- what should I do?
Do you guys like Daring charming? 🤴🏽🪞
ariana got tired of attending so she sent her b-product clone 🤩
What are your honest thoughts on Teen Titans Go?
Swiftie Delusion
Am I overreacting that my sister takes pictures of me while I’m asleep?
AITAH for getting upset at my sister for taking pictures of me while I’m asleep?
R.E.M: Fragrance and Beauty Merge
Your phone is robbed and robber offers you to show him THAT ONE video of taylor that will make him cringe/ embarrassed enough to not touch your phone ever again. What video are you showing?
What to do if you get stuck with a subject
this song is actually such a banger & the hate for it is so forced change my mind
What are your unpopular opinions in Harry Potter?
Your last saved image made Batman cry. What is it?