REALLY contradicting when your name is this but you’re lagging the game the whole time 😐 take the report and have a good day 👍
Finally developing a profitable strategy
This was so satisfying. Stop cheating 😐 if you can cheat like a man you can take a loss like a man. Problem is you all aren’t real men, now are ye? 🫣🫣
So tired of winning
The U.S. stock market has lost $4 trillion in value since Feb 19.
Mennyi megtakarítással mennél "nyugdíjba"?
Újabb hype cikk
Enough is enough!!
Cápák között 03.09
Man look how they butchered my portfolio.
Who is feeling the pain? (-$500k in the last month)
Bought another 250k of NVDA. If you are worried AMA
Let me try this... he won't expect it
F this..
Havi 10 000 dollárért lehet majd programozni tudó agentet bérelni az OpenAI-tól
YESS! 50+ hours of code was worth the effort! 171% in 10min 🔥 🚀
My favorite songs in the greatest showman ranked
Bro 💔
Let me guess, someone’s gonna say all of a sudden he lost the will to fight 🤖😂🥱🥱
Cápák között 03. 02.
I immediately closed out the game after seeing this bro 😭🙏
Do yall play proud or standard rules?
Befektetés kisebb összeggel