Catholicism helped me stop masturbation
Small Dogs.
Legit question: do yall still watch the show?
Calendar Boy is exposing more stuff about Jenelle
Dating as a catholic
Is it a mortal sin
Giving handshakes during the Sign of Peace?
I feel like God isn’t listening to me
Jenelle took Kaiser back because Nathan’s parents spoke to the tabloids
A snipit from the 21 min tiktok vid August posted interviewing his "side bitch". I can't get a read on these two absolute weirdos.
Anyone catch Ryan's shirt last night?
Where should I get rosary beads?
Sorry, an annulment question.
Swear words after confession.
Why does this guy remind me of David???
Pickmeigh and her short-haired Sasquatch took the day off from their busy schedules to go to the beach.
Cate & Ty Break It Down Trailer
“Old Wounds”
Jenelle’s Latest Vlog feat. Medical Mysteries, Business Meetings, and a New Frenchie!
Catholic vs evangelical approach
I went on YouTube and this popped up from 3 years ago I think😂
Vocal fry!!!
Truly never saw this coming
David getting mad like he’s actually paying for the meal! 😂
Vasectomy - fornication?