This lady found what’s in the Box!
First time DRS’ing, help needed 🙏🏻
Additional Banking Information Required
From New York, to Sao Paolo, to London and now Dublin. Perhaps the deception is unraveling. And the data they used to try to hide the now leaking out at the edges...
Device Bridge Pro - Port Usage
The data does not lie: there is something extremely FISHY or extremely COINCIDENTAL, about the FTD numbers the SEC seems to be avoiding to fully report.
No to shit coin. GME is the only play.
Have you brought your dog into Carnivore?
My FOIA Request for Missing GME FTD Data: SEC's Response and Next Steps
W8ben form rejected by computershare
The second Overstock court ruling last week is even more important than the first one back in 2021
I live in the Netherlands. Where can I buy actual shares of GameStop rather than CFDs or derivatives etc?
Gamestop on X
The best explanation that makes me buy more. Other explanations are false and mislead you. This is the HOLLOW TRUTH.
"California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a bill into law that will force storefronts to admit that you don't actually own your digitally purchased games, films, and TV shows - you're just licensing them. "
Revisiting my Earnings and post-Earnings predictions - how did I fare? (A.K.A. "Why I think the price will keep going up in the coming weeks")
JPOW The Catalyst...? Why I will be watching and listening closely to what the Fed does over the next few weeks.
MapleApes, be sure to check your ComputerShare W-8BE-N tax status on their site and renew.
PS5 Pro unveiled today, disk drive sold separately with a $700 price tag ??? What a joke 🤨
Help a newbie out, please
Fool proof ?!
Are chicken and pork really that much more inferior to other animals?
DTCC had a normal outage yesterday--It wasn't a conspiracy. We should be educating each other and building a body of research, not being secretive about sources and methods
No response from Computershare yet
Open for Comment: Recall how Wall Street is big mad about FINRA's Securities Lending & Transparency Engine (SLATE) Rule? Ape comments are DIRECTLY quoted in the SEC's response extending the comment period. Apes are using their voices and are being heard! Details & templates for commenting inside!