Pick a number from 1-1,440 and I'll give u a song to try
Type “I’ll shove my drum sticks up your ___” and let your keyboard finish this
Controller Issue
Real question. Is Vanilla a Single Mother or a Widow?
Describe a game console by it's ads. I'll go first.
Nintendo Switch
Type in "I accidentally got my ___ pregnant" and let auto-fill complete it
What is Robotnik about to say? (wrong answers only)
What are some youtube channels that got better as they kept going?
We've all heard about youtube channels going from good to terrible. Reddit, what are some youtube channels that got better as they kept going?
I can't take much more
TMS - The Story - Chapter One
I bet you can't make a sentence without the letter "A."
MKW PR Bowser's Castle Glitch - 2:13.695 - BossBoy28
Timeline Correction
Type "EMERGENCY FROG SITUATION" while your eye are closed.
[TOMT][SONG][2000s/2010s]Parody of Grandma got run over by a reindeer
Gimme a number 1-640 and I’ll give you a song from my playlist
Guess my music taste
[TOMT] Kids tv show 2017 about kids in a video game
Give me anything and I'll try connecting it to weezer
Mario Kart Wii Retro Rewind
Do it i dare you
do your worst reddit
Sure, why not?