Marxism must be destroyed.
Why do so many gay folks fake their voices?
Marxism is worse than Facism
Was there actually an Anti-Semitism Act of 1917 under Lenins Regime in Soviet Russia?
Was there actually an ' Anti-Semitism Act ' of 1917 under Lenins Soviet Russia
How would you handle getting pressed/robbed by 3 thugs without getting humiliated or seem like a weakling?
The biggest threat to society isn't ' right-wing extremism ' but gang glorifying content online.
Europe has the best and most history in the world ever
Why do people keep using ' socioeconomics' as an excuse for a certain group of people commiting much crime and being unemployed when asian migrants are very hard workers?
How did people handle getting robbed/pressed by thugs during the ancient or medieval era?
Islam is an excuse for patriarchy
Best early 2000s horror movies?
Urban Legend horror movie was really bad
Multiculturalism and diversity is good
Mohammed was a pedophile and any show follow him are too.
Women don’t actually like shaving, makeup, etc
How the hell was 250k conscripts not enough to take back Wall Maria in S1 Ep 2
Why does my hair keep going flat after shower.
Name a game
My Muslim Friends are annoying
It is a matter of time before the right wing is the main political power across most of Europe,