My favorites from my first couple days with a real camera! Let me know your thoughts/tips! (Canon R10 with Rf 100-400)
My first ever in-studio session as a photographer
Decided to pull the trigger and get the rf 100-400
My first try in landscape photography
After / Before Another Duck!
Reality check - Is this the best I can expect or should this be sharper? R10 + RF100-400
Little compilation of animals looking at me
Help me with blurry photos! (Details in Comments)
Help me with blurry photos (Info in comments)!
Help with Editing
How is the rf 100-400?
My recent works I made in February (all the info in body text)
My recent works made in February (all the info in body text)
How to improve image quality?
Gray Parrot
My recent works I made during February (all the info in body text)
ITAP of a Long-eared Owl
The Watch of the Long-eared Owl
Please tell me what I’m doing wrong with the R7. I have no idea how it chose to focus on these tiny branches with a full deer behind it. I don’t even know how it saw the branches.
My top shots from January-February (all the names of the species in post body)
Long-eared owl
My top shots from January-February
Superb Long-eared Owl