What will be my childs first word?
I voted for Donald Trump because I'm _______.
Party of the 29 percent 💔
Early Declarations here!
I endorse Max Flares for class 1!
My announcement for Mod class 1
Yougov poll: do you approve of Trump resuming aid to Ukraine in exchange for zelensky agreeing to a possible peacedeal.
Every Senator on the CR Vote
Eggs down, gas down, inflation down….yet stocks crashing every day. Why?
So true
Ass or tits?
The most popular female names from 2000-2023 (using the republican primary system for scoring different states)
The most popular female names complete for the republican nomination (2000-2023)
What if Trump became dictator
If this trend continues, it is *not* going to go well for Republicans in 2026
What I think the 2060 electoral map will look like
What’s it like working for Logan Health
Jennifer's rise and fall
How is this map possible for 2028?
In the last 100 years. The median loss for the incumbent party in a midterm year has been 22 house seats and 4.5 senate seats (I rounded down) Here's what that would look like in 2026
Well that’s a problem
Why I believe Ukraine should never join NATO