Streamers and Their Selective Memory
Tell me how to win this with a mouse please
Verdansk is coming back! What movement system would you prefer for Warzone?
Which one do you think Warzone should adopt? Vote and share your thoughts!
Has anyone else seen this "anti-movement guide" video? It addresses a lot of the frustrations I see posted online.
The movement is absolutely a problem in this game.
Disregarding anything else about Vanguards integration (i.e maps, bugs etc) How did you feel about the vanguard guns and 10 attachments for them?
Lmgs Deserve some love guys..
BO6 Guns are SOO boring to use
Season 3 and Verdansk has been delayed to April 3rd
Snipers ranked best to worst??
Verdansk is Coming Back – Finally, a Real Warzone Map!