DAE feel like coffee makes them more hungry as opposed to suppress appetite
List of safe foods becoming smaller ... give me yours i need inspo!!
17M, 6"2, from Scotland, ask me anything 🔥
Does stopping restriction actually work
I need to face everyone with bloated face and belly tomorrow
“Saving” calories?
DAE still feel guilty from binges years ago?
How do I make sure I don’t binge this week?
Can ED/irregular eating cause PCOS?
LIVE FOOTAGE: Analphagwhoreeus' Phagnon as the microorgasms apart of his gut flopwhora run away from his uncut DL trade's (Mydeick) massive erect penis as it demolishes Phagnon's Phagnussy aka. his anal cavtitty 😱😱😱
Still no period?
What are some ways to suppress your appetite?
It's for the lore
Wasn't hungry and fasted all day but then after my normal dinner I'm STARVING
I need help
Mydei's animations fully leaked
What’s the weirdest thing that triggers you?
Anyone else binge restricting
What are your favorite pasta dishes?
How did we all survive christmas day xx
DAE not care abt protein anymore bc I'm gonna be hungry anyway
Anyone obsessed w applesauce?
What’s one myth about eating disorders that frustrates you the most?