Any EU Dropbox alternatives?
Feed your cat high-quality food from the EU
Lemmy as an alternative to Reddit, using European-owned servers
Wie kann sowas legal sein??
What would you tell beginner you to avoid?
I Joined us on lemmy! What about you?
I've actually moved to lemmy (reddit alternative) and it's amazing
"Time Theft Auto" – A spin on Grand Theft Auto, but legal.
Endlich Mal was am billigsten beim Mpreis
Walden Two and a half men doesn't make sense
Mullenweg Considers Delaying WordPress Releases Through 2027
[1998]: FPÖ fordert in dringlichem Antrag raschen NATO-Beitritt Österreichs
Replacing American sodas with European ones
You can go electric with only European cars
Bricks builder or elementor?
The Booze Wars Continue….
Ikea ownership still fully remains European!
Next round!
WordPress is ultra-hard to learn. I need HELP.
this ad triggers me for some reason, "its evolving, just backwards"
The rest of the world is going to boycott US goods and services for years
Every company that returns to Russia must be boycotted into oblivion!
Beat back the recession! Save your money!