Alien pronoun circle
For a game themed around poker, I thought it's somewhat lacking in poker-themed jokers
problem with monobehaviour
ELI5: How is it possible to selectively cultivate fruit and vegetables to be seedless?
egg 🍒 irl
Pro concentration camps
[ Removed by Reddit ]
What are the chances
When will the oppression end?
one of the 10 transmasc 196 users here. ama
Look how unreasonable my trans friend is
AITH for telling my trans friend I support them, but respectfully have different beliefs?
crystal rule
Footage of colossal squid
bear rule
Rule if rule you rule could rule go rule back rule to rule any rule stage rule of rule human rule evolution rule which rule one rule would rule you rule pick rule
are we cooked rule
Doofenshmirtz needs to up his game after this one
They changed my t blockers and now I have all these pieces of garbage to deal with
nyoom rule
World so beautiful. When I was a kid I never saw sloth stuffed animals and my baby brother got so many bc they were his favourite :]
She’s white and facing racism! Legit!
Racism in the UK is alive and well in non-white communities
The same goes for trans men like me. We exist as we are percieved
A Feast Fit for a Squid