[ Removed by Reddit ]
As much as I love and excited for Cena's Heel Turn, dont you think its a little weird as grown men laughing at crying Kids?
Are these bananas ripe enough for banana bread? If not how can I make them riper?
What is your minor claim to fame?
Whats normally assumed to be American but was actually invented somewhere else?
Evolution is FINALLY making a return. Can’t wait to see the dream matches they put together for this show
I told an organization not to wire this money to me from abroad but they did anyways, so my bank charged me a fee greater than the amount I was wired.
'iPhone 17 Air' Leak Hints At Game-Changing High-Density Battery
I accidentally bought loads of white beans. Please give me some recipe recommendations
Everyone wants "to do business was with me." Sure that the post will help.
If a famous person had to adopt you, who would it be?
Some people are born with six fingers dure to a rare genertic trait called polydactyly. It's sometimes fully functional and even considered lucky!
Petition to change Bee Grenades item name to Bee Bomb
I got this butane burner for Christmas and I can't find butane for it, even at our local Home Depot. Any suggestions?
We got a wedding picture ruined because someone drew a dick.
What is an unsolved mystery that you'd love to find out?
Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett sees Trump and dies inside
What a beautiful sight! Byebye American booze
Elon Musk 7 Years ago.
Do you believe people are generally good? Why or why not?
Alternative to aluminum free baking powder?
So many jobs lost… Online shopping wins again.
Who's the greatest woman superstar of all time in your opinion?
Who won?