Why cant I see any of my hades achievements
Tom Aspinall stops Sergei Pavlovich in the first round and wins the interim heavyweight title
I can’t believe we even let statistics be a real profession
What photograph do you think best represents the dark side of our civilization?
Never seen so many faints in my life
Many party wipes courtesy of this guy
DJ and Rampage differ in opinions on whether Jon Jones is undefeated.
Is anyone experiencing unlogged micro-disconnects again?
IP Changes Disc’ing Me
Anyone else getting this error?
Nooooo you were almost free
Comments are turned off on almost all of Scott’s music on YouTube
small Pilgrim epiphany
where does this picture of the jumping man comes from?
Trying to find the original version of this Ye pic
UFC announces they are bringing back the old UFC gloves starting from tonight
My anal fissure looks like Greep if he were Middle Eastern
Healers cannot heal when they are dead
Did anyone knew who the Pinkertons were before or after the game ?
Am I missing something with the EX grenades and how to use them against BT's.
What movie scene growing up messed you up?
I just started the show; I am dying to know if we will ever meet Diane or not.
ELI5: why do we say “aren’t I” instead of “amn’t I”?
ELI5: How does Shazam work?