What would your nightmare endgame couple be?
They thought we wouldn’t notice
WORST boyfriends (and husbands) on Degrassi
Am I Overreacting?
Which of these 11 characters had the lowest self esteem and who’s missing who do you think also has low self esteem
The Elphaba and Glinda of Degrassi
Clare Edwards is a good person and hated by fans! Which character is morally grey and hated by fans?
Scenes that should be serious but cannot be taken seriously by you?
Who do you blame for Jimmy being in the wheelchair?
Job searching as an AuDHDer is absolute hell
Hot take: I didn’t like Esme. People call her a “BPD queen” and say that her behavior is due to her mother’s death, but all I see from her is that she’s unnecessarily manipulative, vindictive and a horrible person all around.
AIO, my boyfriend is acting unusual
Do most autistic women dislike sex?
Help! Is my Partner suffering from RSD or just immature?
Y'all are so mean to Jenna
What people don't understand is that I'm mean to myself so rejection from others hurts less...I'm aware it's unhealthy, but I wish people would understand why it's a hard habit to break.
I'm in a deep state of autistic burnout and need to quit my current job. I want to replace it with one that requires little to no social interaction, but I feel like I can't flat-out say that to employers
Should I lie about my body count?
Okay is me being confused about this an autistic thing? I'm trying to apply for jobs and the categories seem so limited & not specific enough. (Context in the comments, for some reason I've tried but I can't attach both a picture and text to the post.)
Should I end my engagement??
I hate Halloween
Jobs that won't drain me of all my energy
Am I overreacting?
What's Degrassi's version of this?
What do my favorites say about me?