Ranked Is Fun And Competitive!
y'all need to grow the fuck up😭😭😭
Many (not all) women don't really want vulnerability in a man for his own good. They want the guy's emotions to serve as a means for them to feel good, important, flattered and/or protected.
Submit feedback request for warzone to Activision to bring back OG warzone
It's simple: Good vehicles, good Lethal, OG Rockets, OG melee, let us shoot on the air, unlimited one-shot sniper range across the map and quality of life from all the new warzones. Activison, LET IT FLY!
Q4M: Do you believe that being vulnerable is sexy to women?
I can't believe that the problems because of which I stopped playing 3 years ago, got fixed with WZ3, then they came back with WZ BO6, ATVI, can you teach me how you recycle a product defaults?
CMV: Rejecting men because they doesn't earn enough is not "shallow"
would you agree to end the weapons leveling system?
Do yall imagine they actually bring WZ1 back on April 3?
Have fun with Verdansk, but bear in mind that a lot of you will still have tons of issues with it because you miss the early days of Warzone where the average skill level wasn't as high as it is now and you were playing against a much more casual playerbase.
Poll concerning Warzone and Blackout
We want the reduction of movement speed and slide
Streamers and Their Selective Memory
With Verdansk coming back I hope we also get the Swiss K31 back one day - it was OP and it was beautiful!
Why is height the one thing you are not allowed to mention or be insecure about?
Remove Control from Mixtape and replace it with Lockdown
Are you Tired of This broken Game?
It just doesn’t make sense to get rid of Warzone.
Just dropped my first solo V quads 30 bomb
Is a permanent “OG Verdansk” playlist with the original ruleset out of the question?
I just realized how much ED instead of KD really really punishes Solo players and makes comparing to other people meaningless
New Player Here – Why is Verdansk such a big deal?
Improving aim