Oh my god they responded.
So, my dad found me watching Hazbin, and he reacted like this. What should I do? 😭
GMO Garlic
What game is this to you?
Cheaters and teamers in ranked play is exhausting me.
Mom says it's my turn to get roasted
Rate My 3D printed setup
Xbox 1 Halo Edition Stuttering Startup Chime, then immediate power off.
Hot Take: Activision Bringing back Verdansk is like Epic bringing back Fortnite OG.
GENTLEMEN! am i cooked?
Xbox One Halo Edition Startup Chime Stutter.
What’s something you’ve always wanted to try, but haven’t had the chance to yet? What’s been stopping you?
If you could have a night with any fictional character, who would it be and what would be your first move?
Hot take: The dmr was not that bad
Guys has anyone seen these people?
My collection
Ummm, Google? You good Buddy? You hearing things?
150000000 mg hemp gummies?
Is it possible to pirate x360 games onto a disc, then use them in an xbox 1?
Ah yes i love Ranchovys
umm, google? You right there buddy? you hearing voices buddy?
Would Call Of Duty be saved if it went back to mil-sim storytelling gameplay ?
Who has the most snapshots?