Chilling amongst insanity
Two recent images
You're walking around the city and see some street performers, which of these four do you give some currency to
Tell me your favorite class, without saying it. I'll go first
You're having a very bad nightmare and have one nightmare creature chasing after you, which of these four is chasing you.
You're doing the shift of a mountie and you about to investigate a crime scene, what crime scene are you investigating?
You received a knock on your door, which of these four do you let in?
Can you love both?
whats your spray picture in tf2?
POV: You touched the heavy's gun
God damn it engineer not another one
Some more past stuff I made
What would you do if you saw this skid following you?
Stuck in purgatory
Saw that a skid naming trend has appeared on the subreddit, figured I'd take advantage of that.
Past stuff I did on Gmod I didn't share til now
Chilling like in Texas
A blazing valentine
so found another glitch, this one involving moving taunts. I'm certain people known of it already
Tropic relaxation
Dare enter this abandoned looking house?
You're a detective investigating a murder in the hospital and the suspect is a doctor, who is said doctor and who was the victim?
You're a witness to a crime, what is the crime you witnessed?
What’s a season theme you would want to see?