Ranking all evolutions! This is only my opinion so let me know what you think
Am I crazy or every game in Retro Royale is just mid-ladder?
Every single update is just "fRee pRogReSiOn!!!"
Haven't won since mid-February. Should I actually just quit?
Pétition to replace evo valk by the evo of our choice
What card do you react to like "Oh shit..." when you play against it?
If you could delete one card from the game, what would it be?
So Suppercell left 66% of playerbase unhappy. Great...
Guys we have one day left to win the 5 star lucky drop. Everyone get your friends, moms and grandmas to vote for the 5 star drop now or we are gonna get 6k EWC!
We did it guys.
Is this worth it?
If you don't know what to vote for read this.
"Oh but I'll choose evo valk because some player don't have her" Like shut up bro
Pros and Cons COMPARED - 5 Star Drop VS a Evolution Valkyrie
Voted for the drop because your weak un-evolved cards aren’t my issue 😘🥰
People really put gamble above common sense...
Who do you think would win?
I don't give a sh*t about evolutions. What should I choose?
Try to guess my arena
What is the worst update in the history of the game?
Season Concept: Bone Pit 2.0!
Work-in-progress balance changes for Clash Royale - March 2025 Season 69 - RoyaleAPI Infographic
What do you think are the best evolutions right now?
Golden knight nerf needed?