Suggestions to get my husky mal howling?
Let's Talk Salary/Pay.
Attending a Super Bowl party, didn’t want Storm’s fur to bother the hosts, best I could do was the fur suit
Are all HR like this?
To the guest who left the dirty diaper on the shelf
How much exercise does a Husky REALLY need?
I quit.
Is this not a normal amount of makeup to own? Friends and family poke fun that I own a store.
What’s the best place in OKC to get car windows tinted? Good pricing and quality work? Thank you!
Does anyone else hate the gimmicks?
Yay or nay?
What am I doing wrong? I always look crazy w/ makeup on
Honest opinions please. Does this look bad? Every one of my foundations looks like this
Looking to run my first half marathon in 2023
obese... should I focus more on cardio as opposed to lifting?
Feeling Proud
Thursday 22nd September, 2G 60min
My mom makes cake gardens
Anyone Looking Forward To Hell Week 2022?
Sunday 3 July 2022 - ESP 2G 60 minutes
for bikers instead of the treads - Docoaches basically ignore you?
Good samaritans help an owl get back to its tree home
Daily Workout and General Chat for Sunday, 4/24/22
mental challenge
What is one OTF floor exercise you will never do?