People who say being skinny≠happiness are lying to themselves
Who do you think could play Lola in the biopic?
But do we have anger issues?
valid point fr
Do you consider Payton an OG?
What’s a quote you say on a daily basis from dance moms
✨️ the signs as cartoon cats. 🐈
I must know
Dance Moms Moms in Highschool yearbook photos!!
Dang !!!
Corpse To Go
Gemini × Scorpio Shipping
What is better, being an only child or have siblings?
How far did this rumor spread during our childhood? Did millennials in Europe hear this too? What about other countries?
Rate “Paparazzi” out of 10
Natalie got a tummy tuck!
Which tour do you like the most? I have been following Madonna since the beginning but Who’s that girl still remains definitely the best one ☝️
Which would you choose?
Lmao people just say anything
[no context]
Which sun and moon sign is this 🙈