My first L
Any signs of recession and impact on bergen county housing market?
Wells Fargo lowered the firm’s price target on Tesla to $130 from $135
Exclusive | Canada has ‘nuclear weapon’ in trade war — ban Pornhub in US
Is the Tesla from the previous post a former Kids"R"Us?
How Hurt is Ronnie...
How many times have you guessed it in 2 tries or less?
Best AI for food you’ve ever been to
Doing My Part - New Jersey
Unknown Support for Canada From New Jersey!
Good Overnight Trips?
My solar installer accidentally installed a Tesla power expansion and now they want it back?
What’s causing my dizziness?
Is there anyone out there that can help me get this? From a Mets fan stuck in Yankees/Blue Jays country 😭
Garden Supply
Cat weird symptoms, vets don’t know
Anyone familiar with these test results
National Get Out Your Guitar Day
I’m sorry, the what train?
Writing the Mets in the 80s
Wishful Thinking?
What do you do with your little ones (mine are 1 & 3) on a winter weekend to get them out of the house?
Huge breaker box in the middle of kitchen. What can I do with it?
David Wright runs away with the first spot on the grid. Moving on to the next spot. “Average Player Loved By Fans”. Let’s hear it
why are frozen berries cheaper then fresh?