S6 Maci & Taylor vs Rhine, Mack, Jen & Larry
Pine Scents All Year Round
Anybody else just obsessed with Christmas?
I've worked out at 158 Planet Fitnesses ... so far! Here's just a few of them.
Devin cordle from wish //temu
Getting ready!
Weird comment, deleted!
Called it!
What a joke!
Digs at M
Do we know what's filming for Christmas 2025?
Really Courtney
May say it’s because of medical reasons BUT I also truly believe it’s because they got so overwhelmed with 2 kids
Vasectomy Video
Vasectomy video is up🤮🤢
Frequently getting colds
What made you start to dislike Madi?
Prednisone Use
Who else calls BS
Hey Quasimodo isn’t there a bell that needs ringing somewhere?
My christmas decor is put away.
It's truly cold out here
Reel of her dancing being happy because she doesn't feel like a groundhog....because she's clean & got a spray tan. IG 2•17•25