Creamy lemon vanilla that is not D&G devotion?
what mental illnesses or health problems do you have that actively hamper you?
Do lush stores really throw away returns?
Women don’t make arts and crafts like they used to
Ugliest bottles in your opinion
I think about this video a lot
bf didnt get me anything for valentines day
Binge eating with ADHD
I don't know how to have a job without constantly living in survival mode.
Perfume that smells like this?
*Boycott American Goods/Products*
Anyone else find random inappropriate stuff upsetting?
I took Adderall for the first time today.
What’s your “white whale” task?
Found this in our attic - landlord isn’t convinced it’s mold. Am I crazy in thinking this looks like mold?
Question about ticks increasing in frequency
The woman I’m seeing works with autistic kids and excessively obsesses over them & jokingly compares me to them. This makes me uncomfortable. Is this weird?
what’s your trick for actually falling asleep?
Diagnosed how to
ADHD sucks in general but also has its UPS.
Recently diagnosed and in 'grief'
Does anyone else say "ow!" for no reason?
How often do you get sick?
I want to cry
Sensitive to violent movies, but partner likes them