3 days to go…
Beef prices in US near record highs
Why did John only look for her in the obvious place afterwards?
BREAKING: The Nasdaq 100 extends its decline to over -315 points on the day as geopolitical tensions rise and trade war worries mount.
GrandmaGold at it again
If they actually know the meaning of fascist or Nazi, they would realize that they are one.
🇺🇸 Musk reveals shocking case of 14 federal 'magic money computers', making and sending money 'out of thin air'
Trump supporting 2Facebook Grandma wants Government to declare July as "Straight Pride Month"
Education ‘executives’ like Randi Weingarten make hundreds of thousands more than teachers - 8X in fact - taking home almost $600K a year and they don’t teach a single child nor do they teach the teachers. They’re leaches on the system.
Another day, another jawline.
Jenna’s Fairytale
Funny because he’s on the Epstein list
Meanwhile in russia, old commies play soviet songs while a kid sniffs glue from a plastic bag. Amazing russia.
Trump launches large-scale strikes on Yemen's Houthis, at least 31 killed
Calm down Jenna Jameson - you would have said the same thing about Jessi a year ago #toxicpatterns
As much as I hate Poilievre this guy is worse and this is why
The more you know…
Meet the Press puts time flowing right-to-left?
Mary went home to God
Footage shows LAFD responding during an overnight street takeover in LA after a vehicle was set on fire.
Delulu lady thinks her junked toaster car that needs $5000 of work is worth $8000
A PT Cruiser…
Incredible and thought provoking
Big M reminisces about her soft launching Manbun a year ago and how everyone assumed he was a maintenance man (which she led people to believe by the pics she posted.)