Rude Behavior is NOT Affection
Is a persona an AH if he asks his brother (groom), to ask his fiancé (bride), no to invite her best friend to her wedding, because she is the ex-wife of the groom´s brother.
Help me tell his gf he is a cheater
Ross’ new girlfriend is getting attacked for her looks on Tiktok
Look at me I have a friend
It's completely ok to have days off (in your routine, workout...)
"Sharing is caring" is a garbage phrase that's meaningless among young children.
Kyla’s Wedding Shower grwm
Well, that sums it up
Defending the lynches and correcting misinformation aren't the same thing
Looking for good podcasts
Do you think that Rydel is a good / nice person?
AITA for telling my Sister-In-Law to get out of my daughter’s baby shower?
What was the final Straw?
I feel like she stinks
Most people smell worse when they wear perfume or cologne.
Gift giving and receiving is a huge bother and not pleasant
“First world problems” can’t be generalized as valid or invalid - it is a case by case thing and it depends on the problem itself
Rydel at Kyla’s bridal shower
Using "he/she/they said" in a novel is perfectly fine
Octopus are creepy and gross and disgusting. They are equivalent to spiders to me.
Adults are More Proud of Their Participation Trophies than Kids
America should have BEEN made English their official language!