do NOT talk crap to Vlaakith in HM
Discovered(?) a strange interaction
Which bosses did you consider a wall in the souls games ?
The amount of people who believes they are STUCK in Bronze/Silver due to bad luck and teammates is insane. If you truly believe it, please explain why.
I wanna see y'all's merlin😩🙏
Is this a good team for pushing story and afk stages?
How many tries did the Dancing Lion take you? 42 tries for me.
Zombies is the most fun I've had playing video games in 10+ years.
Demons and Demon Kings from the webtoon, Void Man
Full new game vs DLC extension
Got the only calling card that matters
anyway, we should move lockers away from vaults
I am having several minor, and very annoying, issues and I need your help.
Another One?
2v8 hot take(?)
I like choosing the "escape from this cell" option in Alternate Start, kinda reminds me of Daggerfall
[Arknights] The Designs of Rhodes Island's Generic Employees/Operators
Ranked every $B song I know from my fav to least fav. not including features. What y’all think? (I love literally every song they’ve dropped with the exception of like 4 or 5 songs)
bounty hunter can say the n-word.
Can't believe this is a real killer power in dbd
Seriously wtf is the knife suppose to be?
What is the scariest gameplay moment you've had?
New Player Guide
Idk what to call this but yes
Fastest round in Carousel of Ragnarok???