Close enough welcome back Mikey Madison from Anora
Victorian Jurassic Park 🧐🦖
Zlorb (me zlorb) find glossy man in chair
When you have no clue...
Business park in Dallas Texas built 2016, as per the frieze.
what flag is this
Flag of America if it was Plutocracy
Germanic languages alignment chart
WELCOME TO THE TORNEMENT OF THE JARS. WHERE YOU ALL VOTE EACH COMPETITOR OUT IN ORDER TO CROWN THE WINNER OF THE JAR TORNEMENTS. A few will get eliminated each round and the winner will go in the golden jar so vote wisely
Detail of the escalator terminals, early Art Deco design, at Penn Station, NYC, USA Location: Bounded by 7th & 9th Avenues and 31st & 33rd Streets Architects: Mckim, Mead & White
The U.S. Redesigned - Wisconsin
Flags with no standardized design
Which Washington (state) flag do you prefer?
This may not be the exact right sub for this but the reversed Texas state seal is infinitely better than the regular one and I wish it was used more
How do people make custom icons to place in their flag?
redesign belgium state limburg flag
Nacho Libre
is thonk (me thonk) butthole
Redesigned flag of German-Americans
A flag I made for Latakia, Syria
Revised Redesign for Washington State
Which continent has the best flag?
(Semi-)Reconstruction/Recreation: Medieval Coat of Arms of Huesca
Reconstrucción/Recreación (Parcial): Escudo Medieval de Huesca [(Semi-)Reconstruction/Recreation: Medieval Coat of Arms of Huesca]
Iranian peasant houses from gilan province what would you classify them architecturally as
This isn't male office spaces.