[OC] Summoners going into 2025 🍾
Our favorite divorced couple of besties 🦇🐮
What makes Seer's Snare the most fun game mode in FEH you ask? Picking your obscure weakling favorite and sweeping it with 3 supportive allies!
*Bright Sandstorm intensifies*
Anyone have a good build for this silly little guy?
Characters that appear in Forging Bonds: Resisting Chaos
Leif would like to be your friend 🤝🏼
FE4 - All Substitutes Run
20 years later I still hate this guy
Azama killing every enemy on the final map of Seer's Snare on Hard mode
I have a dream
PRF Dancers by Game
Azama things
Azama, you've literally talked to Felicia for less than TEN SENTENCES at this point, show her some mercy 😭
Always love recognizing FE maps in FEH!
Any tips for Thracia?
Out of curiosity, which characters do you want to win the CYL but you know perfectly well that unless a miracle happens they will NEVER, EVER win?
Please gush to me about your favorite under appreciated FE character
Is there any Binding worlds strategies?
Radiant Dawn Maniac Mode: A Dawn Brigade Challenge Run
If the upcoming banner happens to be SoV who do you want on it?
Anyone else miss these seasonal banners or is it just me? 🥲
Every single counterpart in Fates
Playable units who are more well-known for sabotaging the player than actually helping you BEAT THE DAMN GAME. Shoutout to Nil for...reasons (if you know Fell Xenologue, you know).
Choose Your Legends 9 Event Megathread - Day 7