I secretly recorded my professor making sexist remarks and got him fired!
Stop with the “What do my skins” posts
Fiancé painted and did the trim in our kitchen. I don't like it, he says I'm just a hater. Thoughts?
I’m not a welder but I think it turned out pretty good
No One Posed That Question To Begin With.
Post Rolling Loud order
WhAt dOeS mY ToP 15 SkINs SaY aBOuT mE?!?! :3
Fine, here’s my top 10. Say what you want lol
Following the trend… what does my top 12 say about me?
What do u think
Welding Advice
I know this is getting annoying but what to my top 20 skins say about me?
Can I fill the shake cup with soda afterwards?
Welding hood
About to turn 30, do your worst
Which game mode is the best in your opinion
Difference between a mini gt and a hotwheels
My ranking bc others are doing it (I only ranked skins that I own)
What do my top 30 skins say about me?
Hey fellas, can someone please explain the difference between this $500+ and this ~$200 welding machines?
What was the first mythic item you used? Mine is Ocean's bottomless chug jug.
Can someone identify these? Trying to find a replacement for my boyfriend
Should I get the Marlboro livery wrap !?
Hey Sypher is this rare?