Monstera Kunzo White Monster / Monstera Mint
First rare houseplant purchase
Tester B. Super Cropped/Trellised
Pictures for the earlier post
"SaLt Vs OrGaNiCs" which is better... lets find out
Advice on thc potency
Did I screw up already?
LEDs too hot in small glass cabinet, what to do?
Sour Stomper gurus, does she look done?
Day 1 EarthBox Autos
Damn.. i need to stop window shopping online. Less than 2 weeks in the hobby and i don't even know if they'll survive 😅
Did make a good purchase?
turning on the system day 1?
Has anyone else done this?
Poor mans autopot update
First go at TCs!
I’m looking to put a 5x10 tent with a 4x8 bed of soil on wheels, I’m hoping to get some advice on how to make a platform that can support this weight that hopefully won’t add too much height(I have low ceilings) any advice is appreciated here
What's on everyone's rare plant wishlist?
PSA: White fuzzy spots on Ruby Necklace are from normal growth, not necessarily Mealybugs
Need some advice 👽
What are some reputable sites and sellers to buy cuttings and corms from?
What name do you give this plant?
Should these be repotted?
Got some Tissue Cultures!!