Now that’s true clash dedication
Anyone have trouble with new packs not delivering?
training potions are being removed 😭😭😭
Ummm whatt👀💀!?!!??
Alchemist is useless now
Ok... So what's going to happen to this guy?
One time I cut and my arm would squirt in short burst was that a capillary or vein? (Extreme TW)
At least something i guess
Question - FEMTANYL album cover screen effect
Noelle’s cover art replication w/ a fan character 😶🌫️
COC motivating people to not play game
Least Fave Femtynal Song?
80% of the Femtanyl community is trans, 15% is probably genderfluid, 5% is likely cis
Hero Equipment changes
So Supercell did this event because they remembered they made this pointless addition to the game
Event extended,4x bonus details
Well the compensation is not that bad ig🤗
Who the fuck wants to hear a noise remix of femt
did anyone here start sh’ing as an adult?
do you guys think we’ll get more aggressive songs in the new album?
The Femt songs ranked (kinda) by how worrying the were to look at/understand the lyrics
do you guys think Noelle will ever tour in Australia?