DAE have a bitch MIL?
What's a subtle sign that someone is not a good person?
Anyone finds this weird??
Are you comfortable eating in a restaurant alone?
How to get over the intrusive thoughts?
Why don't cats fart?
What do you miss the most about pre-Covid life?
What did you name your characters?
DAE bite their pets back?
My friend killed himself and I found out today
What were you bullied for?
Husbands and their phones and social media accounts ?
Velcro cat decided to pee in my lap
What food would you give to a dying cat?
Do you like eye contact ?
Is there a website that lists all possible chao combinations?
Please help name this cutie! I just adopted her from the shelter, she’s a cuddle fiend.
A close friend passed away and I'm the only one who can adopt her cat at this time.
How do you find a woman who loves jesus
What's that one thing you know the taste of- that you SHOULDN'T know the taste of?
What game will always be special to you, no matter how many years go by?
How to know when to up dosage?
WOMEN ONLY! (pubic hair question)
How many cats do you view as too many?
Anyone else resent being associated with pink?