Imagine being a teenager going to highschool on a Monday after your mom publicly announced her fursuit collection on a Sunday
No, you need therapy.
How to close this gap on balcony?
The smugness about her immaturity is really something.
Suggest your favorite comic artist who deserves more recognition. I'll make a high quality version with the top 8 comments
This is just cringey
Tesla Autopilot drove into Wile E. Coyote-style fake road wall
New cakeypasta drop. Some of the support she gets is just... out of touch
almost a week later and I still can't stop thinking of this
Food Stamps Apparently.
wtf did I find
"No talking!"
r/Comics top 25: A year in review (subtitle: One of these comics is not Like the others)
Thought I aced it 😭🙏
Find your shitty PizzaCake name! (shitpost)
I had a steamy dream about a tree and it's grafted branch
And here come the bans
What is your (I know, this is very counterintuitive for the sub) FAVORITE pizzacake comic?
Did she just do blackface?
How dare you
Ellen, isn't there some massive political news going on in Canada to address (the presidential election) instead of plagiarizing yet another comic?
To reason with a Trump supporter
This book, note, CD, and SD card I found stashed in the bushes at a remote Veterans of Foreign Wars post
An 8-year-old heart transplant candidate was craving pickles, so a hospital chef taught her how to make them
Don't mind me, just dropping some of her ableist comics... 🤐
how is this woman in her 40's and acting like a literal toddler every time somebody slightly inconviences her?