How much should I charge?
Anyone else not finding success through psychology today?
Postpartum/perinatal trainings?
Any advice?
Do any other therapists struggle with finding a therapist?
Referring out
Senior therapist needs some wisdom
Not sure how to keep up
Travel film camera rec
Asking Feedback from Clients that Ghosted?
What books have you read that’s made you an even better therapist?
Feeling evil for charging cancellation fee
Clients who don’t want to be on camera?
Panic Disorder
What is your ideal and realistic schedule?
Hype me up? Late cancel.
Swapping from PPP to Zignature?
Made the hard decision to put my cat to sleep today.
When a client texts outside of work hours
Any ERP therapists here that work in PP?
I think I’m burned out
Does anyone else feel insane right now? I’m serious.
are late cancel fees going out of style?
Curious about the toll it has taken on some of us. Couple questions for you.
Danielle in the most recent season....