We find these videos amusing because we have common sense, but there's seriously a chance that someone's grandparents actually believe this. These videos are actually dangerous.
Anti Vaccine propaganda video allegedly claiming there's "alien smart dust" in the Covid Vaccine, 2025
Conservatives are very upset that George Carlin was...a comedian and not the Republican Guard Minister of Information™
Tim Walz called Trump out for being a huckster, and his Red Caps pounced. "What color is YOUR Lamborghini?"
This sniveling little pion looks like he can be destroyed with one punch. If you look up his Twitter, he's begging for money because "brown people got him fired"
Crashing the economy, making the US a pariah on the world stage, militant fascists goose-stepping in the streets, is all part of the plan liberal.
Anti Vaccine propaganda accusing Pfizer of "white genocide" 2025
The majority of Conservative propaganda is assuming their audience is SOOOO stupid they'll literally believe in anything
The most unemployed person you know is punching their drywall and crying tears of rage at this
Bro thinks he's General MacArthur, king of the Asians. Japanese ultra conservatives don't like white people, but that goes against the narrative.
Trump is the same thug who blackmailed Zelensky into finding dirt on Biden and once he outlived his usefulness, let his bestie Putin have at him, but I doubt he actually did this.
Only losers and cowards are intimidated by women becoming first responders. It's not like there's a shortage of firefighting jobs available. Grab an application if you're so concerned.
Electing a billionaire sociopath has it's consequences. They want to gut the VA because a woman benefited instead of a 78 year old tycoon somewhere. Pure evil
Modesto is a farming town. Those "chem trails" are insecticides. Harassing pilots for crop dusting is peak MAGA. Stupid Karen
This Nimby mf lives in bumfuck Idaho btw. At least people actually give a fuck about our state
That is a human being. Are you upset that a black person can easily do your job or did you come to the realization that anyone can do what you do and you're not that special?
Native genocide denial and Christian nationalism is the coffee and donuts for the right