Wer hat Lust ein eigenes Trading-/Handels-Terminal zu programmieren (MauerTerminal)?
Elon Musk’s Tesla says it could be targeted by retaliatory tariffs
The best moments in the game are when V gets recognized, and people immediately realize they’re dealing with someone extremely dangerous. It’s just sad it doesn’t happen more often.
All USB Devices Randomly Disconnect on Windows 11 – Need Help!
Darth Vader
Merkel dealing with Trump during the G7 in 2018
Gus Walz broke the internet with his tearful love for his dad. Then the bullying began
"Sie kennen mich": ARD-Doku wirft kritischen Blick auf Merkels Erbe
Is there a mod to allow me to drag and drop the construction queue entries?
200.000 Against the Far Right
Gegen Rechts so weit das Auge reicht
Was haltet ihr von China Tech long?
Actually surprised by the performance of the 4070 coming from a 970
Ukrainischer Präsident Selenskyj überraschend in Frankfurt gelandet
Schuldenbremse: Mehrheit der Deutschen ist laut SPIEGEL-Umfrage gegen Abschaffung
Apple officially unveils M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max: 3 nanometer, Dynamic Caching GPU, more
Odds on walking in and getting iPhone 15 pro max
Types of European separatists (OC)
My spirit animal
A third of young men in Germany think violence against women is ‘acceptable,’ study finds
Who knew that I would learn the so much about my fellow Europeans through united shitposting. Thank you everyone for being here and teaching me so much about you and your cultures.
Tägliche Diskussion - February 03, 2023
Is there a „tiktok“ that doesn’t collect all my data?
Mercedes locks faster acceleration behind a $1,200 annual paywall